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sunnuntai 18. toukokuuta 2014

Gaming birthday: Rubik's Cube is 40 years old!

Hi everyone,

I just realized that the Rubik's Cube (created by the Hungarian sculptor, inventor, architect & professor of architecture Ernő Rubik) turned 40 years old.

Here's the almost "middle-aged" birthday-hero of this household.

Rubik's Cube has been such a prominent part of popular culture & puzzle game history (& I believe it was one of the first puzzles that I got my hands on as a kid in the 80s), that I just had to briefly pay my respects to this awesome puzzle & its inventor. Google has also decided to celebrate the creation of this well-known combination puzzle with a nice interactive "Google Doodle".

Happy birthday Rubik's Cube :D !!
Karelian Gaming

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